


Composed and performed by Lorenzo Pagiaro, Cristiano Zatta, Luca Greco
Produced by Imaginatic - ImageSonika

Released in June 2023 -  ©Ⓟ 2003-2023 SkillMedia Master

ARTIST: Imaginatic
GENRE: ambient-electronica
TYPE: album
FORMAT: WAV 48|16 high resolution files - available only with PRO synchronization license
LICENSING OPTIONS: layered mix versions and different length cuts are available upon music licensing request
ARTWORK: image courtesy of Johannes Plenio

SERIES[retro archive]


The perfect match for evocative images

Discover the magic of ethereal pads, hypnotic sequences and delicate arpeggiators. The minimalistic soundscapes that come from the ambient and electronica world can often provide a more emotional impact on the images. All the 19 original music tracks contained on Minimalscapes release were composed by Lorenzo Pagiaro, Cristiano Zatta and Luca Greco along the years, and their titles are very self centred with the inspirational vision and the specific field of use.

Simply close your eyes and listen to each piece of music, to be inspired by what the titles suggest, and you’ll experience something unique and evocative.

“ Simple sounds and easy compositions it doesn’t mean cheap result when we are referred in film soundtracks. More that even, essential sounds perfectly match the details and the force of the images on visual communication”
